Friday, February 27, 2009

090227 West Coast Swing, Hustle, Contra, Jazz Tickets, Blood at Tango

Hello Gainesville Area Dancers and Friends,

Come out this Sunday to GDMA for some fun West Coast Swing
and Hustle dancing. Beginners West Coast Swing at 6:30.

The Contra dance was a lot of fun last Saturday night.
There is another this Sunday. If you can walk, you can Contra.

I will be giving away two tickets to a Gainesville Friends
of Jazz Concert worth $40. You must be there to win.

Hope you saw Venus and the crescent moon last night. It was
something special. Venus is about the brightest it ever is.
If you missed it, be sure to look to the west after sunset.

Happy Dancing,

Schedule: (confirm other sessions before going)

1. Friday 2/27 - UF Swing Club
2. Friday 2/27 - UF Tango Club
3. Saturday 2/28 - Tango y Té
4. Sunday 3/01 - Contra Dance
5. Sunday 3/01 - West Coast Swing Beginners with Andy
6. Tuesday 3/03 - Swing at the Boltin Center
7. Thursday 3/05 - Israeli Dancing with Erin
Article: Drawing Blood at Tango


- Nine tenths of education is encouragement.
~ Anatole France

1. Friday 2/27 - UF Swing Club

Confirm before going

Unified Training Center (maybe at another location)
806 S Main Street

8:00 : Lesson
9:00 : Swing dancing

2. Friday 2/27 - UF Tango Club

Confirm before going

Student Facilities Recreation Center
Near infirmary on UF Campus

8:30 : Lesson and dancing

Alper Ungor,

3. Saturday 2/28 - Tango y Té

Brazilian Cultural Arts Exchange
601 South Main Street

7:30 - 8:30 : Lesson in the fundamentals of Tango
8:30 - midnight : Tango dancing

$10 ($5 for students) includes lesson and refreshments

David Chayes,,
352-328-7916, 352-371-3672

4. Sunday 3/01 - Contra Dance at the Boltin Center

Thelma Bolton Center
516 NE 2 Ave

4:00 - 7:00 : Lesson and dancing

$7, $5 under 21

Kumquat Kapers and Joey Norton
Beginners lesson a half hour before the contra dance starts.
No partner needed. Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to
protect the floor.

Susie, 352-466-9150, Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society

5. Sunday 3/01 - West Coast Swing and Hustle

Gainesville Dance and Music Association
308 W University Avenue

6:30 : West Coast Swing for beginners
7:30 : West Coast Swing intermediate
8:30 : Hustle

$20/month general, $10/month students
or $7 general, $4 students per class

Includes Thursday Israeli dancing

Andrew, 561-939-2469,

6. Tuesday 3/03 - Swing at the Boltin Center

Confirm with Richard.

Thelma Bolton Center
516 NE 2 Ave

7:00 - 9:30 : Lesson and dancing


Richard, 352-213-8769,

7. Thursday 3/05 - Israeli Dancing with Erin

B'nai Israel
3830 NW 16 Blvd

7:00 : Beginner
8:00 : Intermediate
9:00 : Advanced

$5 family, $3 student
or $20/month, $10/month students

For all ages, all levels, novice to advanced.
No Israeli Dance experience needed.

Andrew, 561-939-2469, 352-378-2219,

Article: Drawing Blood at Tango

You may have heard me say, it took me three years to take one
step in Tango. It was not a good step, but it gave me the
opportunity to start improving.

Tango has a lot of fancy steps, but I do not do them.

For the year and a half since, all I have been doing is
working on the basic step.

Last Wednesday, at Andrea's class that devotion was finally
rewarded. Elke and I actually danced. No stumbling, no wrestling.
For three songs, we were in control.

Thursday I was feeling good. I told my mother, "I am getting
pretty good at Tango."

Friday I went to the UF Tango Club. Elke was there. She said,
"That was the best we ever did." She was still excited from
Wednesday too.

We started dancing. I tried to go right. It is hard to go right.
Soon blood was flowing from Elke's toes.

Do you ever wonder, how long is this going to take?

Designer, steeled toed dance shoes might be a good seller.

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or have it taken off (I will not be offended).

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(a) You signed up either at a session, by phone or via email.
(b) Or, you are not on the weekly email list, but I thought there was some
thing in this week's email that would interest you or others you know.

Copyright (c) 2006-present, Bronze Inc. All rights reserved.

You may forward, print, or post this newsletter in full.
Contact us for permission to use in part.

Andrew Weitzen
Gainesville, FL
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