This coming Monday, November 22 starts Introduction to Israeli Partner Dancing (IPD). Great opportunity for men to learn to dance.
See the article for why IPD is great for men.
Live music at English Country Dancing (ECD) this Thursday. No ECD next Thursday on Thanksgiving. See Annette's newsletter in the
article below to see what ECD is all about.
There is another Contra dance this Sunday, this one a MLK Center.
The early bird deadline for Machol Miami is November 15.
Thanks to Veronica for sharing this entertaining video - People Are Awesome
Happy Dancing and Go Gators,
Schedule: confirm all programs before going
1. Wednesday 11/17 - Israeli Dancing at Kol Simcha
2. Thursday 11/18 - English Country Dance
3. Friday 11/19- International Folk Dancing
4. Sunday 11/20 - Contra Dance
5. Monday 11/22 - New Introduction to Israeli Partner Dancing
6. Tuesday 11/23 - Line Dancing
7. Thursday 12/02 - English Country Dance
Article: Why Israeli Partner Dancing is Great for Men
Article: English Country Dancing
- Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafaring man on the ocean desert of
waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them, you reach your destiny. ~ Carl Schurz
- Everything you can imagine is real. ~ Pablo Picasso
1. Wednesday 11/17 - Israeli Dancing at Kol Simcha
Kol Simcha, 14007 NW 44 Ave Gainesville, FL
6:30-8:30 : Teaching and Israeli dancing
With Joseph Simpkins
2. Thursday 11/18 - English Country Dance
601 S Main Street
7:00 - 9:30
Annette Merritt,
3. Friday 11/19 - International Folk Dancing
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4225 NW 34 Street
8:00 - 11:00
$3, $1 students
Jack Seltzer, 352-359-2903,
4. Saturday 11/20 - Contra Dance
Martin Luther King Center, 1028 NE 14 Street
7:30 - 8:00 : Introductory lesson
8:00 - 11:00 : Contra dancing
Beginners welcome; no partner necessary.
Dances are walked through and prompted.
Try it for the first time and your second time is free.
Soft-soled shoes please.
$8, $5 under 21
5. Monday 11/22 - New Introduction to Israeli Partner Dancing
Congregation B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, Gainesville, FL
7:00 - 8:00 : For Beginners
8:00 - 9:00 : For More Experienced Dancers
Starts exactly on time. Do not be late.
$5 per evening, or $20 in advance for the entire series. Ages 22 and under free. Other students $2. If you have financial
difficulties, you can come for free.
Contact Andrew,, 352-327-3672
On Monday nights, beginning November 22 to December 27, for, a minimum of 4 and up to 6 nights.
Everyone welcome. No experience and no partner needed.
Treat yourself to some fun doing Israeli Partner Dances. You deserve it.
The first hour is for beginner's. You do not need to know how to dance. You will learn. Everyone can learn Israeli Partner Dancing.
Easy, exuberant, great music, great friends, come out for a great time.
On Monday nights, beginning November 22 to December 27, for, a minimum of 4 and up to 6 nights.
We rotate partners and do dances more than once, so everyone gets to do every dance, everyone gets to dance the same amount and
everyone gets to dance with everyone else. If you come with your spouse and you do not want to rotate, you do not have to. Rotating
is your option.
Teaching is based on my book Partnership Dancing(tm).
Rather than memorizing choreography, the women will learn the skill of how to follow every Israeli Partner Dance without learning
the steps. This is a good skill to have and is applicable to all social dances, particularly choreographed dances. You will be able
to follow other folk dances, including things like Contra Dancing, without having to worry about the patterns.
The men will learn how to make every dance a pleasure by communicating via their body language. You will learn how to get the woman
to do what you want by manipulating space, without wrestling the woman around.
There is no gender bias. You can dance which ever part you want.
We will be videoing some of the teaching.
6. Tuesday 11/23 - Line Dancing with Sandi Larkins
Eagles Club, 4562 NW 13th Street
6:00 - 8:15 - Line dancing
Sandi Larkins,
7. Thursday 12/02 - English Country Dance
601 S Main Street
7:00 - 9:30
Annette Merritt,
Article: Why Israeli Partner Dancing is Great for Men
Of all the dances I have done, Israeli Partner Dancing is among the best for men, especially for complete novices, even if you have
two left feet and no rhythm.
Here are eight reasons why.
1. You do really fun dances right away.
2. You learn how to dance.
3. You build your confidence.
4. You learn a wide variety of dance styles.
5. You learn a whole new set of moves.
6. You meet new people and make friends.
7. You get some exercise.
8. You get to dance to great music.
Israeli Partner Dancing is unique in that every piece of music has its own unique choreography. Somebody went to the trouble to
choreograph steps to exactly match the music of that song.
So, whatever your skill level, you still get to do the same dance as everyone else.
When you start out, you may not know as many dances and you may not dance as smoothly as someone who has been dancing for a while,
but you can have just as much fun.
Article: English Country Dancing with Annette and Randy
Please note that we usually have English every Thursday rain or shine, but there will be NO English dance in Gainesville on
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 25. But there is a dance this week!
This week we will have live music!! All musicians and dancers are welcome. Last week we focused on Gary Roodman dances. This week we
will feature some dances from Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett of Oregon. Randy called their dance, "The Play's the Thing", at St.
Cloud last weekend--it was a great dance where all dancers keep moving. He'll do that one for sure on Thursday.
With the holidays approaching, there's lots to do. But make some time for dancing--it's a relief from the hustle and bustle! Live in
another era and time for a couple of hours. Dancing is good for your brain, for stress, and it's exercise.
Bring snacks if you enjoy snacking. And thanks to everyone for bringing snacks! We have such a nice assortment.
In order to try to get more newcomers to come and come back we will be offering a "get in free" card to all newcomers for their
return dance. Pass the word.
Last week we focused on Gary Roodman dances (indicated by an (R) below):
* Alexander's Birth Day (2-couple; USA dance) (R)
The Introduction (4 cpl; change on the diagonal 4x; step-close to make space)
Dear Abby (LW 1st cnrs cast left to change places) (R)
Mr. Isaacs's Maggot (LW, corners turn, release hands but lock eyes)
Rafe's Waltz (LW, set & half gypsy 1 cnr, 2nd cnr, ptr, nbr)
Row Well, Ye Mariners (LW; long lines slip left 4 steps; slip R 4; clapping)
Benjamin's Birthday (LW, Arm neighbor coming at you R, Circle Left, Turn left) (R)
Freeford Gardens (set toward partner, turn single back, pass partner r, loop l)
Duke of Kent (LW; box the gnat; swat the flea)
* The Spaniard (1's lead down, turn up, skip up & cast to 2nd place)
Trip to the Manors (2 cpl; heys up and down; hey's across) (R)
Honeysuckle Cottage (balance & box the gnat) (R)
* Dancers asked to do this next week.
Upcoming regional dances:
Gainesville Thursday English Dance
November 18
601 S. Main Street
Lesson 6:50
Dancing 7:00 - 9:30
$5; $3 Students
Deland English Dance
Sunday, November 28
2 - 5 pm
Music by Full Circle
St. Cloud English Dance
Saturday, December 11
3 - 6 pm
Go to our page at Don Pauley's website:, where you can see these event postings and other
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!! Newcomers are always welcome; and welcome back. If you are new and can't come early
enough for the lesson, come anyway. Alot of people have and they've done fine by shadowing their partner since all dances are
taught, walked through and called. It seems we have a nice mix of experienced and new dancers so you'll never feel out of place.
Please return--you will continue to get better and the moves will be more familiar. We don't judge other dancers--we're just glad
that you came.
We are always trying to get together a demo group to show dances to others. Please let us know if you are interested. Don't think
you are not good enough. Everyone is--we will practice the dances so that you are comfortable. This is just to show others how fun
it is--not how perfect we are. Everyone who comes on Thursdays is good enough. We just need willingness. Maybe you have an idea
where a demo would be nice (festival, church group, etc.)
Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
Annette & Randy
NOTE: Main Street is closed north of 5th Ave due to construction. You can come down 5th Avenue from either direction and go one
block south when you get to Main Street.
You can find the Gainesville Dancing newsletter online here
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Copyright (c) 2010 to present by Bronze Inc. Gainesville, FL - How to Dance with a Partner
You may forward, print or post any part of this email provided you include this copyright notice. All other rights reserved. Contact
us for other uses.
Andrew Weitzen,, 352-327-3672, Gainesville, FL
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