Hello Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dancers,
Israeli Folk Dancing 101 class 2 of 4 is tonight at B'nai Israel from 7 to 8 pm followed by our normal session from 8 to 9. You can still attend even if you missed the first week. See the article about the dances we did in week 1 in Israeli Folk Dancing 101.
Next Sunday night is a special program with Five Rhythms meditative dance at 308 West.
Set aside time now for two new beginner series at the end of October. Registration begins October 12 through Fall B Santa Fe College Community Education.
1. International Folk Dancing 101 with Jack Seltzer, where they do a fair amount of Israeli dancing.
2. Lindy Swing Dancing 101
October 31 we are holding a special Israeli and International Folk Dancing workshop with Internationally renowned Choreographer and Instructor Ira Weisburd as part of his Machol Atlantic tour. You can see Ira's tour schedule here.
Happy Dancing,
Gainesville and Ocala Brazilian, Clogging, Contra, English, Folk, Israeli and International Dancing Calendar
In this Newsletter
Article: Dances From Week 1 of Israeli Folk Dancing 101
Article: Plant More Trees. It Takes a Village to Grow a New Dancer
Schedule: confirm all programs before going
1. Monday 9/19 - English Country Dance
2. Monday 9/19 - Israeli Folk Dancing 101
3. Monday 9/19 - Israeli Dancing with Andy
4. Wednesday 9/21 - Israeli Dancing at Kol Simcha
5. Friday 9/23 - International Folk Dancing
6. Sunday 9/25 - Five Rhythms
7. Sunday 10/02 - Contra Dance
8. Sunday 10/02 - Lindy Swing Rhythm Turn and Hustle!
9. Sunday 10/09 - UF Techno Contra Dance
10. Saturday 10/15 - Contra Dance
11. Sunday 10/16 - Vintage Waltz Brunch
12. Friday 10/28 - International Folk Dancing 101
13. Sunday 10/30 - Lindy Swing Dancing 101
14. Monday 10/31 - Israeli Dance Workshop with Ira Weisburd
Ongoing Dancing:
Capeoira, Brazilian Street Dance at 308 West - Tue, Wed, Thu and Sat. www.BCAEonline.org
Clogging in Gainesville - on Sunday afternoons. www.FirstKlassKloggers.com
Inisheer Irish Step Dancing with Piper Call, Wednesdays. www.PiperCallDance.com
Volunteer to help out and get into dances and classes for free.
Dance Quotes:
- Humility is no substitute for a good personality. ~ Fran Lebowitz
- There is nothing like a gleam of humor to reassure you that a fellow human being is ticking inside a strange face. ~ Eva Hoffman
Article: Dances From Week 1 of Israeli Folk Dancing 101
Thank you to all that came to Israeli Folk Dancing 101 on Monday.
The next class is Monday, September 19 from 7 to 8 pm.
Be sure to go to www.GainesvilleDance.com and
sign up for the Israeli and Folk Dance newsletter.
It is the second newsletter on the left side.
You learned four dances on Monday night.
Here are the names of the songs with links to the lyrics.
Nigun Atik – Ancient Melody - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=nigunatik
Tzadik Katamar – Righteous Man Will Flourish – http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=tzadikkatamar
Od Lo Ahavti Dai – I Have Not Loved Enough - http://hebrewsongs.com/song-odloahavtidai.htm
Eretz Eretz Eretz – Land, Land, Land (meaning the land of Israel, AKA Eretz Yisrael) - http://hebrewsongs.com/?song=eretzeretzeretz
You can find links to videos of these dances on this page.
Nobody remembers the dances the first time.
All you need to do is show up and have fun.
Everyone who shows up learns how to dance.
Article: Plant More Trees. It Takes a Village to Grow a New Dancer
There was a little back and forth this week about there being two Tango classes on Wednesday night.
My response was that is no problem. There is no conflict. We are all one family.
Ideally it would be better to have the classes on different nights. Sure, if you are trying to get everybody together for a dance to pay for the rental of a hall, you do not want to dilute your crowd, but for small classes in private homes, the more dancers getting together, the better.
Say there about 300,000 people in Alachua County and nearby in other counties. By my count, in our area, there are say around 300 people that go social dancing regularly, say twice a month or more. Maybe 1 person in 1,000 dances regularly. That is poor market penetration.
As dance organizers, we are not in competition with each other. Our market is not close to saturated.
We are the stewards of social dancing in our community. Social dancing is a great product and the best way I know of socializing. We are evangelists on the same team.
When I was in high school, my Dad prodded me into dancing when he mocked me when I said I did not like to dance. He said, "You do not know how to dance. You cannot say you do not like it. That is like saying you do not like playing the piano. You have no idea what it is like to play the piano and you have no idea what it is like to dance."
As a freshman in college, my best friend Scott Annan's robot, splits, cool moves and heart thumping music inspired me, and I only had to trade a few kisses to get some awesome girl dancer to teach me my first steps in dancing with a partner.
Almost a decade later, during a Gainesville interlude, a female friend twice took me to my first organized dancing at UF Hillel for Israeli Folk Dancing, though we were clueless. Nine months later in Chicago, I went to a Jewish singles party, which featured Israeli Folk Dancing. The dance teachers left their flyer. The next Thursday I went to Phil Moss' dance session and the rest is history.
It takes a village and many years to recruit and train a new dancer.
Think of it as planting trees. The more people providing entry to the dance community, the more our community will grow and everyone will benefit. We cannot plant enough trees.
1. Monday 9/19 - English Country Dance
Gainesville Dance Association, 308 W University Avenue
7:00 - 9:30
Annette Merritt, flamerritt@hotmail.com
2. Monday 9/19 - Israeli Folk Dancing 101
Congregation B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd
7:00 - 8:00 : Israeli Folk Dancing 101
Beginning Israeli Folk Dancing class.
No experience needed.
Four weeks on Monday evenings starting 9/12.
Sign up at Santa Fe Community Education.
Andrew, publish@gainesvilledance.com, 352-327-3672
3. Monday 9/19 - Israeli Dancing with Andy
Congregation B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd
7:00 - 9:00 : Israeli Dancing
Starts exactly on time.
For all levels of experience. Newcomers welcome.
No partner needed.
$5 per family. Ages 22 and under free. Other students $2.
If you have financial difficulties, you can come for free.
If you attend any of my programs at 308 West during the prior week, you can come Israeli Dancing for free.
Andrew, publish@gainesvilledance.com, 352-327-3672
4. Wednesday 9/21 - Israeli Dancing at Kol Simcha
Kol Simcha, 14007 NW 44 Ave, Gainesville, FL
6:30 - 8:30 : Teaching and Israeli dancing
With Joseph Simpkins
5. Friday 9/23 - International Folk Dancing
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4225 NW 34 Street
8:00 - 11:00
$3, $1 students
Jack Seltzer, 352-359-2903 gainesvilleifd@gmail.com, www.gifd.org
6. Sunday 9/25 - Five Rhythms
Gainesville Dance Association, 308 W University Avenue
7:00 - 9:30 : Five Rhythms meditative dance
Debbie Pais, 352-514-8560, dkpais@gmail.com
7. Sunday 10/02 - Contra Dance
Thelma Boltin Center, 506 NE 2 Ave
3:30 - 4:00 : Lesson
4:00 - 7:00 : Contra Dancing
$8, $5 under 21
Beginners lesson a half hour before the contra dance starts. No partner needed.
Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor.
Susie, 352-466-9150
8. Sunday 10/02 - Lindy Swing and Hustle!
Gainesville Dance Association, 308 W University Avenue
7:00 - 8:30 : Lindy Swing Dance Class and Dancing
8:30 - 9:15 : Hustle!
Learn the 8-count Lindy Swing Rhythm Turn with swing outs
and numerous variations during this 4 week series on
Monday nights in September.
$30 for all 4 sessions.
$10 general, $5 students per night.
Includes Israeli Dancing on Monday nights at B'nai Israel
Andrew, 352-327-3672, publish@gainesvilledance.com
9. Sunday 10/09 - UF Techno Contra Dance
Rion Ballroom, Reitz Union, UF Campus
4:00 - 7:00 : Contra Dance
Chelsea, 804-483-0866
10. Saturday 10/15 - Contra Dance
Thelma Boltin Center, 506 NE 2 Ave
7:30 - 8:00 : Lesson
8:00 - 11:00 : Contra Dancing
$8, $5 under 21
Beginners lesson a half hour before the contra dance starts. No partner needed.
Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the floor.
Susie, 352-466-9150
11. Sunday 10/16 - Vintage Waltz Brunch
Gainesville Dance Association, 308 W University Avenue
10:30 - 1:30 : Waltz lesson, dancing and brunch
$10, $5 Students
Joyce Thompson, thompsj@gmail.com
12. Friday 10/28 - International Folk Dancing 101
*** Exact Date, Time and Place to be Determined
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 4225 NW 34 Street
8:00 - 11:00
$3, $1 students
Jack Seltzer, 352-359-2903 gainesvilleifd@gmail.com, www.gifd.org
8. Sunday 10/30 - Lindy Swing Dancing 101
Gainesville Dance Association, 308 W University Avenue
6:00 - 7:00 : Lindy Swing Dancing 101
Learn the mother of all Swing dances, Lindy swing dancing,
in this easy class catering to new dancers.
Sign up at Santa Fe Community Education.
Andrew, 352-327-3672, publish@gainesvilledance.com
You can find the Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dancing newsletter online here
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Follow Gainesville Ocala dancing on Facebook
Copyright (c) 2011 to present by Bronze Inc. Gainesville, FL
www.GainesvilleDance.com - Gainesville Ocala dancing
www.PartnershipDancing.com - Dance Lessons on How to Dance with a Partner
You may forward, print or post any part of this email provided you include this copyright notice. All other rights reserved. Contact us for other uses.
Andrew Weitzen, publish@dancecalendar.info, 352-327-3672, Gainesville, FL
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