Friday, November 6, 2009

Florida, Say No to Drilling Off Our Coasts!

From: Defenders of Wildlife, Florida Office []
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 3:25 PM
Subject: Florida, Say No to Drilling Off Our Coasts!
Wildlife Alert

Help Stop this
Disaster in the Making!

Oil Rig on Fire - NOAA

Drilling off the Florida coast will put our sea turtles, whales, fisheries, shorebirds and local economies at serious risk.

Take action now to tell your state leaders that we can’t afford to let Big Oil threaten our coasts and our wildlife. 

Say No to a Drilling Disaster in Florida - Take action button

Spread the word: forward this to other Floridians who care about wildlife.

Dear Andrew,

Governor Crist and the state legislature are under mounting pressure to cave to Big Oil and allow drilling off the Florida coast. It’s a disaster in the making -- and we need your help today to stop it.

Big Oil’s slick lobbyists talk a lot, but they aren’t mentioning what drilling off the Florida coast could cost us.

It could cost us our imperiled sea turtles, our beaches, our fisheries, our tourist economy -- and our way of life.

We need your help to fight back. Take action today to let your state legislators know that you don’t want drills anywhere near our coasts!

What offshore drilling could bring us is an environmental disaster like the one we’re seeing off the coast of Australia. This oil spill has proven nearly impossible to contain, pumping up to 30,000 barrels of oil into the Timor Sea in the last 10 weeks.

Eyewitnesses have reported seeing sea turtles, dolphins and sea birds trying to swim through the oil slick.

We can’t let this happen in Florida. But this is exactly the kind of diaster that could happen in our state if we don’t put pressure on our legislators to stand strong against drilling off our coasts.

Please take action now and say NO to oil drilling off our coasts!

Offshore drilling is an incredibly risky gamble already. But when you add hurricane season to the mix, you've got a real disaster in the making. 

It also won't ease our pain at the pump. The Department of Energy says it won’t make gas cheaper for at least ten years -- and even then the difference will be negligible.

What’s more, drilling for oil in sensitive coastal areas flies in the face of working for a smart, sustainable energy future for Florida and for the entire nation.

The real facts about the chronic and catastrophic impacts associated with oil drilling have been drowned out by the oil and gas industry’s doublespeak and false promises. We need your help to set the story straight and stop this disaster in the making.

Florida’s wildlife doesn’t have a voice. Use your voice to speak out for sea turtles, dolphins, manatee, seabirds and other wildlife that depend on clean, healthy coastal waters to survive.

Send a message to Governor Crist, your state senator and your state representative right now.

Thanks for all you do,

Laurie Macdonald, Florida Program Director Laurie Macdonald
Florida Program Director
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Save the date for the Hands Across the Sands day of protest against oil drilling on Saturday, February 13th. We'll be in touch soon with more information soon!

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