Wednesday, June 3, 2009

For dance leaders - New West Coast Swing beginner classes in June and a dance party

Hello Gainesville Dance Leaders,

Please let your students know of these new upcoming beginner
West Coast Swing classes in June. We are also having a dance
party on June 21, the longest day of the year.

If you run a group, you are invited to all of our events
as my guest (no charge). Come by any time, bring flyers
and make announcements about your programs.

Come out to a new dance location in downtown Gainesville
at the Tango Y Te Building, 601 S Main Street.

Happy Dancing,


New West Coast Swing Beginner Classes in June

and June 21 Dance Party on the Longest Day of the Year

Everyone Welcome. No Experience Needed.

Sunday Nights
West Coast Swing and Hustle
6:30 - 7:30 pm: West Coast Swing beginner patterns
7:30 - 8:30 pm: West Coast Swing intermediate 8-count
8:30 - 9:30 pm: Hustle intermediate

Tango Y Te Building - new location
601 S Main Street

$20 General, $10 Students for 4 weeks in June
Or $8 General, $5 Students per night

Classes start exactly on time. No partner needed.
You can attend any class even if you miss other classes.

Curriculum for June
Beginner - five basic WCS 6-count patterns
Intermediate - 8-count whip turn and variations
All classes include styling, communication, technique

June 21 Dance Party
6:30 - 7:30 pm: West Coast Swing class for everyone
7:30 - 9:30 pm: Social Dance Party with a mix of
mostly slower music for all types of Swing,
plus a variety of Latin, Country, Hustle, Waltz

Andrew, 352-327-3672, -


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