Sunday, August 7, 2011

English Country Dancing Come dance for your brain, Monday, August 8

Dear Dancers,
On Monday's we have beautiful live music, interesting dances, a great caller, and nice people to interact with.  Need another reason?  You've probably read some of the findings related to dancing and mental health.  Read on...

Joe Verghese, M.B.B.S., found  that frequent dancing was the only physical activity of the nine studied that appeared to lower the risk of dementia. He notes that dancing, unlike other physical activities, involves significant mental effort and social interaction, which have both shown to reduce the risk of dementia.
Said Joe Verghese, a neurologist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and a lead researcher of the study, "This is perhaps because dance music engages the dancer's mind."  Verghese says dancing may be a triple benefit for the brain. Not only does the physical aspect of dancing increase blood flow to the brain, but also the social aspect of the activity leads to less stress, depression and loneliness. Further, dancing requires memorizing steps and working with a partner, both of which provide mental challenges that are crucial for brain health.
Me...I just go because it's fun.   But you have to do something more than a couple of times a month.
This week we hope to add a new dance, Bryon's Boutade--a carnival sounding tune.  (Yep, another one we learned at Charlie Dyer's--that's where your favorite Tango came from!)  And there will be a couple of other newbies as well as old favorites--many were starred last week.
We have 5 ladies and 5 gentlemen committed to the upcoming English Dance Performance in Micanopy on October 29 at 10 am.  We could use one additional man and one lady.  Those interested should regularly attend English dances, be willing to come to a few special practices, and have a costume similar to those worn for the Florida Folk Festival performance, i.e. regency.  (Look on using "merrie moonstoners").  Let us know if you are interested. 
Dances done last week were:  (those starred were requested by dancers to do again this week)

Picking Up Sticks (3 cpl; Bootlaces, Matchboxes, Sheepskin Hey)

* Wibsey Roundabout (5 couple circle mixer; men clap 1x; women clap 2x) 

* The Ragg (skipping stars)

Belle of Amherst (3 cpl; partners right shoulder together, turn single left pass partner left...)

* Puck's Deceit (LW, 2's cast up landing behind one's)

Rafe's Waltz (LW, set & half gypsy 1 cnr, 2nd cnr, ptr, nbr)

* Tango in Toronto (LW, 1st corner push your corner back with your eyes, then retreat as they push you back with theirs) 

* Geud Man of Ballengigh (LW one's lead through 2's; men through women; 2's through 1's; women through men)

* Whiskey Before Dinner (LW, in a wavy line, set right & left in triple time)

* Sun Assembly (LW, 1's right star down; left star up)

Duke of Kent (LW waltz-time; box the gnat; swat the flea)


The Florida English Dance weekend is coming soon, in October.  Please sign up for an enjoyable weekend.  Since this is the only one in Florida it is important that the dance community support those who put so much work into creating such an event in our backyard.  It's also a bargain.  The price of $140 (if double room) includes 2 nights lodging in a beautiful historic inn, dancing Friday evening, Saturday morning, afternoon, and evening, and Sunday morning, 2 wonderful continental breakfasts (fresh Belgian waffles), and Saturday lunch.  You will dance to the beautiful music of Full Circle and be led by David Millstone, an experienced caller who will call traditional English dances, both old and new.  You get to dance in the beautiful ballroom!!  The attached picture if from the 2008 weekend. 
Dance every Monday evening:
308 W University Avenue
Upstairs (park underneath)
Cost $5 + donation for the musicians (their only compensation)
7 - 9:30 pm


Upcoming Dances:


August 13, Saturday

St. Cloud English Country Dance

2 - 5 pm (note new times)


October 21 - 23

Sharpes Assembly English Country Dance Weekend

Historic Kenilworth Lodge, Sebring Florida

David Millstone caller

Music by Full Circle

Annette (& Randy)

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