Sunday, September 25, 2011

English Country Dancing Always on Monday

Dear Dancers,
We just arranged a vacation around Mondays so that you will know that you can always count on there being English Country Dancing on Mondays whether you see an email or not!
We just got back from an English weekend in Atlanta, "Fandango".  It was wonderful.  The music was delightful and exhilarating.  There were 4 long lines of dancers filling the hall.  Twenty-one people came from Florida!   But I learned that you dancers on Monday nights are really the best!! NOOOO we are not just saying this.  One dance we did at the weekend, "Good Man of Cambridge", we've done before on Monday nights.  And you all got it!  But alas---during the weekend we did it and the second couples didn't get into the line of four correctly (9 out of 10 times!) we are going to do it this Monday because we need that satisfaction of doing it right!!  Here's a video of the dance from Youtube where they are doing it correctly:
Dancers please read this....Scott Higgs was the is his advice for dancers which we really liked:  If someone makes a mistake, please do not scowl or push them to the correct place.  Just go where you are supposed to go. If someone offers you the wrong hand take it; if someone passes on the wrong side, smile and go with it.  
We very much like this spirit of having fun and going with the flow.  When I make a mistake I know it.  I do not need someone to say something to me or push me around--I already feel bad and it only makes me feel worse--so keep this in mind for others. 
And for those of you who came to Fandango (Trish and Michael) and wanted to do Dr. Vincent's Delight, we will do it on Monday. 

Please come have fun with us!  Live beautiful music every Monday evening with Hoggetowne Fancy. We pick dances which are lively, waltzy, and stately--all alot of fun. 
Everyone is welcome.  No experience, special dress, or partner is necessary. Come join us for a wonderful evening of dancing.  If you are new or have only been once or twice, please come back.  New people have been doing fine by following along.  They always comment that everyone was so nice and understanding.  We've all been new and we understand.  The only requirement is to bring a smile and to have fun. 

Dances done last week were:  (those starred were requested by dancers to do again this week) 

Bryon's Boutade (4 cpl change diagonally, change across; 2's & 3's go though 4's arch)

Fine Lady of Homewood (LW 4 cpl star right, turn single left; star left, turn single right)

Woodstock Park (LW, 1st cpl half figure of 8; man down, lady up)

* Zither Man (3 cpl; pousette with partner, men forward; pousette with neighbor, men forward)

* Whiskey Before Dinner (LW, in a wavy line, set right & left in triple time)
 Sunlight Through Draperies (LW; 1st corners back-to-back, catch eyes, turn right, then gypsy right with partner) 

* Barbarini's Tambourine (LW, First corners cast around neighbor, pass in center, cast around partner) 

* Look Both Ways (LW Trip to Paris cross, turn by right half way; while the other couple set & turn single)

* Hazelfern Place (LW, Line of 4 lead up; 2's in the middle (do some stuff); lines lead down, 2's in middle, 1's have changed sides)

* Evergreen (LW women walk out of the set followed by partner, turn and back the man into place with eyes!)


Oh you missed Fandance--here's another opportunity...The Florida English Dance weekend is coming soon, in October.  Please sign up for an enjoyable weekend.  Since this is the only one in Florida it is important that the dance community support those who put so much work into creating such an event in our backyard.  It's also a bargain.  The price of $140 (if double room) includes 2 nights lodging in a beautiful historic inn, dancing Friday evening, Saturday morning, afternoon, and evening, and Sunday morning, 2 wonderful continental breakfasts (fresh Belgian waffles), and Saturday lunch.  You will dance to the beautiful music of Full Circle and be led by David Millstone, an experienced caller who will call traditional English dances, both old and new.  You get to dance in the beautiful ballroom!!  You will see familiar faces and meet new friends. 

Dance with us every Monday evening:
308 W University Avenue
Upstairs (park underneath)
Cost $5 + donation for the musicians (their only compensation)
Lesson 6:45; Dancing 7 - 9:30 pm
Bring a snack to share


Upcoming Dances:


October 15, Saturday (note the 3rd Saturday rather than 2nd)

St. Cloud English Country Dance

2 - 5 pm


October 21 - 23

Sharpes Assembly English Country Dance Weekend

Historic Kenilworth Lodge, Sebring Florida

David Millstone caller

Music by Full Circle


October 28 10 am

English Dance Performance

Micanopy Fall Festival

Annette (& Randy)

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